counter suffix 意味

  • counter suffix


  1. ki ' is a counter suffix to mean installation .
  2. it is believed that this counter suffix came to be used publicly at the time of a gourmet boom in the late showa .
  3. examples of counting sushi with the counter suffix , ' kan ,' could be seen in more recent times , and it was also in recent times when a japanese-language dictionary adopted such counter suffix .
  4. examples of counting sushi with the counter suffix , ' kan ,' could be seen in more recent times , and it was also in recent times when a japanese-language dictionary adopted such counter suffix .
  5. the old literature had no examples of counting sushi with a special counter suffix , ' kan ,' and only had descriptions of counting as hitotsu (one piece ), futatsu (two pieces ) and so on , or ikko (one piece ), niko (two pieces ) and so on .


        suffix:     suffix n. 〔文法〕 接尾辞. 【形容詞 名詞+】 an augmentative suffix 増大接尾辞 a derivational suffix 派生接尾辞 a diminutive suffix 指小接尾辞 an inflectional suffix 屈折接尾辞 a pejorative suffix 軽
        adjectival suffix:    形容詞的接尾語{けいようし てき せつびご}
        augmentative suffix:    増大接尾辞{ぞうだい せつびじ}
        chemical suffix:    化学物質名{かがく ぶっしつ めい}に使われる接尾{せつび}語[辞]
        derivational suffix:    派生接尾辞{はせい せつびじ}
        diminutive suffix:    指小語尾、指小辞{ししょうじ}
        disharmonic suffix:    不調和接尾辞{ふ ちょうわ せつびじ}
        in the suffix position:    語尾{ごび}に付いて
        inflection suffix:    屈折語尾{くっせつ ごび}
        inflectional suffix:    《文法》屈折接尾辞{くっせつ せつびじ}
        integer suffix:    《コ》整数接尾辞{せいすう せつびじ}
        living suffix:    現用接尾辞{げんよう せつびじ}
        pejorative suffix:    軽蔑的な接尾辞{せつびじ}
        plural suffix:    plural suffix 達 たち
        primary suffix:    一次接尾辞{いちじ せつびじ}


  1. "counter staff" 意味
  2. "counter staining" 意味
  3. "counter stern" 意味
  4. "counter stiffener" 意味
  5. "counter stock" 意味
  6. "counter sun" 意味
  7. "counter sunk" 意味
  8. "counter sunk head rivet" 意味
  9. "counter sunk point" 意味
  10. "counter stiffener" 意味
  11. "counter stock" 意味
  12. "counter sun" 意味
  13. "counter sunk" 意味

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